Article 2 Information on Underlying Exposures


The information to be made available for a non-ABCP securitisation pursuant to Article 7(1)(a) of Chapter 2 is specified in:

  1. (a) Annex II for loans to private households secured by residential real estate, regardless of the purpose of those loans;
  2. (b) Annex III for loans for the purposes of acquiring commercial real estate or secured by commercial real estate;
  3. (c) Annex IV for corporate underlying exposures, including underlying exposures to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
  4. (d) Annex V for automobile underlying exposures, including both loans and leases to legal or natural persons backed by automobiles;
  5. (e) Annex VI for consumer underlying exposures;
  6. (f) Annex VII for credit card underlying exposures;
  7. (g) Annex VIII for leasing underlying exposures; and
  8. (h) Annex IX for underlying exposures that do not fall within any of the categories set out in points (a) to (g).

For the purposes of point (a), residential real estate means any immovable property, available for dwelling purposes (including buy-to-let housing or property), acquired, built or renovated by a private household and that does not qualify as commercial real estate.

For the purposes of point (b), commercial real estate means any income-producing real estate, either existing or under development, and excludes social housing and property owned by end-users.


For the purposes of point (a) and point (b) of paragraph 1, a property that has mixed commercial and residential use must, where possible, be treated as two separate properties, one commercial and one residential. Where it is not possible to separate the uses in this manner, the property must be treated as being entirely residential or entirely commercial, whichever is the dominant use of the property.


Except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3, where a non-ABCP securitisation includes more than one of the types of underlying exposures listed in paragraph 1, the reporting entity for that securitisation must make available the information specified in the applicable Annex for each underlying exposure type.


Where the pool of underlying exposures for a non-ABCP securitisation is comprised entirely of automobile underlying exposures, the information specified in Annex V must be provided in respect of the entire pool, regardless of whether the automobile underlying exposures are loans or leases.


Except in the circumstances contemplated in paragraph 1C, where the pool of underlying exposures for a non-ABCP securitisation is comprised entirely of leasing underlying exposures, the information specified in Annex VIII must be provided in respect of the entire pool.


Where a non-ABCP securitisation includes more than one of the types of underlying exposures listed in paragraph 1, the reporting entity for that securitisation shall make available the information specified in the applicable Annex for each underlying exposure type.


The reporting entity for a non-performing exposure securitisation shall make available the information specified in:

  1. (a) the Annexes referred to in points (a) to (h) of paragraph 1, as relevant to the underlying exposure type; and
  2. (b) Annex X.

For the purposes of this paragraph, a ‘non-performing exposure securitisation’ means a non-ABCP securitisation the majority of whose active underlying exposures, measured in terms of outstanding principal balance as at the data cut-off date, are one of the following:

  1. (a) non-performing exposures as referred to in paragraphs 213 to 239 of Annex V, Part 2 to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 as this provision had effect immediately before IP completion day; or
  2. (b)
    1. (i) credit impaired financial assets as defined in Appendix A to International Financial Reporting Standard 9 in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1126/2008 as this provision had effect immediately before IP completion day;
    2. (ii) credit impaired financial assets as defined in Appendix A to International Financial Reporting Standard 9 as contained in UK-adopted international accounting standards;
    3. (iii) financial assets accounted for as credit impaired under national rules applying the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) based on Council Directive 86/635/EEC; or
    4. (iv) financial assets accounted for as credit-impaired under UK generally accepted accounting principles.


The reporting entity for an ABCP transaction shall make available the information specified in Annex XI.


For the purposes of this Article, the information to be made available pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall be on:

  1. (a) active underlying exposures as at the data cut-off date; and
  2. (b) inactive underlying exposures that were active underlying exposures at the immediately preceding data cut-off date.